
Auracite allows you to export your FFXIV character into portable, generic formats. Enter your character's name below, and optionally use the Dalamud plugin to export your character's data.

Not all data is saved yet, see this table for what is currently supported.

Auracite uses the Lodestone for collecting data about your character. However, we can't connect to the Lodestone directly. It uses a proxy which injects CORS compliance and browser compatibility cookies.

The entire process happens locally, and does not give me any personally identifiable data about you. It only collects what is already publicly available on the Lodestone, and optionally data from the game client.

How does this work?

Auracite can only collect as much data about your character as they make publicly available on the Lodestone.

To work around this, I created a Dalamud plugin to collect even more information. It's available in my personal Dalamud plugin repository.

The plugin needs to start a local HTTP server in order to communicate with Auracite. To prevent this from running all the time, you must type /auracite begin before clicking the "Download" button. Once the process is complete, the server is shutdown automatically. It's always safe to disable the plugin when you're not using Auracite.

The website connects to your game client locally, and it does not use my server to proxy any data. No data leaves your device.

What is the "Connect to Dalamud Plugin" option?